Who Benefits from Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is most often used as a solution for dental anxiety. We typically recommend sedation dentistry when anxiety:

  • Keeps you from getting preventive dental care
  • Makes it hard to get necessary dental treatments
  • Causes an unpleasant dental experience
  • Keeps you from getting preventive dental care
  • Makes it hard to get necessary dental treatments
  • Causes an unpleasant dental experience

We see a lot of patients with dental anxiety in our office. We are prepared to deal with people who have extremely high levels of anxiety.

However, we also know that people can benefit from sedation dentistry if they have lower levels of anxiety–or no anxiety at all–but they experience:

  • A strong gag reflex
  • Difficulty getting numb
  • Difficulty sitting still for long procedures
  • Tension and soreness
  • A strong gag reflex
  • Difficulty getting numb
  • Difficulty sitting still for long procedures
  • Tension and soreness

Sometimes, these are effects of anxiety that you might not realize you’re feeling. Anxiety can make you especially aware of the dentist working in your mouth, which can amplify your gag reflex. Similarly, if you are slightly anxious, your body may be metabolizing anesthesia more quickly, making it hard for you to get numb. Anxiety can make even a short dental procedure seem long, and it might make you tense your muscles during treatment, leading to soreness during or after your dental visit.

Other times, these might not be related to anxiety at all. However, sedation dentistry is effective at controlling them, helping you to have a more comfortable dental treatment.

Sedation Dentistry Options

We understand that not everyone needs the same level of dental sedation. In addition, you might need certain characteristics for your sedation dentistry. That’s why we offer relaxation dentistry as well as three sedation dentistry options, each of which can be customized for your needs.


NuCalm isn’t sedation dentistry, it’s more like relaxation dentistry. Instead of medication, NuCalm uses neuroscience to disarm your body’s anxiety response. Blocking out harsh light that can stimulate a threat response is a first step. Then, we’ll trigger your body’s relaxation hormones to help you feel calm. Finally, a specially designed sequence of binaural beats influences your brainwaves to put you in a near-sleep state. It’s just like the moment before you fall asleep when your thoughts wander and your body seems to float. You won’t be asleep, but you won’t be able to focus on anything, and time will fly by.

NuCalm is best for mild to moderate anxiety, though some people with more severe anxiety also find that it works well for them. More than 90% of people who have tried it would recommend it, and if you’re looking for a way to deal with anxiety without any medication, you should consider it.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, often called just nitrous or laughing gas, is one of the oldest approaches to dental sedation. We’ll fit you with a nasal mask that supplies you with a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen to help you feel relaxed.

Nitrous oxide works best for mild to moderate anxiety, but it also has a number of other benefits. It’s especially good for people who find it difficult to get numb because it’s an anesthetic. In fact, it was used as the only dental anesthetic for many years.

Nitrous also has the benefit of working quickly and resolving quickly. You can start taking it when you get to our office, and you can drive after the effects wear off–you normally just have to wait a few minutes before leaving.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation uses a pill to calm your anxiety. Your dentist will prescribe an oral sedative–Valium or something similar. When you take the pill depends on you. We can administer the pill at our office, or you can take it at home if you need help feeling calm enough to come in. We can also prescribe a second pill to help you sleep the night before if anxiety keeps you up at night.

Oral conscious sedation is great for people with moderate to severe dental anxiety. We like to use it for procedures where we have a good idea of the length. That’s because it’s hard to extend this type of sedation. On the other hand, the effects may linger long after your procedure, so you need to have a responsible adult drive you home and stay with you until the effects wear off.

IV Sedation

IV sedation uses similar medications to oral conscious sedation. However, we deliver them intravenously instead of as a pill. This allows the medication to take effect quickly, be adjusted as necessary, and be extended for as long as necessary.

We typically recommend IV sedation for people with severe dental anxiety or when we’re unsure about the length of your procedure. With IV sedation, you’ll need to have a responsible adult drive you home and stay with you until you recover fully.

Get Comfortable Sedation Dentistry Care in Torrance, CA

At PermaDent, we have extensive experience dealing with people who have high dental anxiety. General dentists often refer patients to us because of their anxiety or the health impacts of dental anxiety. We know how to help you feel comfortable and at ease, and we’re prepared to use sedation dentistry if you need it.

To talk to one of our compassionate dentists about your options for comfortable dental care, please call (310) 325-9969 or use our online form today to request an appointment at our office in Torrance, CA.